Burger Battle 2021
Burger Battle is a competition for professionals and the main goal of the competition is to find the best burger and burger maker in Finland. The competition is targeted at chefs and cooks based in Finland. The competition is a great chance to develop your career and profession.
The application period is 15.11.2020 - 18.6.2021. The jury will choose eight contestants to the semifinal based on submitted recipes and pictures. Four contstants will move on the the final.
The Burger Master was crowned for the second time by Lantmännen Unibake and Food Camp Finland.
Burger master 2021 is Tuomo Koskinen, Street Food Factory Oy/The Van Kotka
Due to the latest coronavirus restrictions Burger Battle 2021 competition
held in studio premises and the final was broadcasted online on 14.10.2021.
More information
Maarit Kivilahti
Project Director
+358 50 414 4267
Read competition rules
Apply here